Safety Alert: Computer use can be monitored and is impossible to completely clear. If you are in danger, please use a safer computer, call our 24-hour hotline at 618-235-0892, &/or call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE. If you are at a safer computer, click here to read more.
24 Hour Crisis Hotline 618-235-0892
Working Together to End Domestic Violence
Our Mission
The Violence Prevention Center of Southwestern Illinois works to eliminate domestic violence in individual lives and in society as a whole.
Our Vision
We envision a community that values all of its members and promotes individual and community safety and well-being.
Our Philosophy
We believe that all people have the right to be free from harm, to be respected, and to determine and pursue their own goals.
About Us
For over forty years, The Violence Prevention Center of Southwestern Illinois has been a leader in providing safety, shelter, support, and guidance to survivors of domestic violence. During this time we have witnessed both the triumphs and heartaches surrounding the pervasive and complex issues that affect 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men.
We know that no two situations are ever alike, but it is through our common understanding and compassion that we can offer a safe haven for those suffering from domestic violence.
We empower over 1,600 individuals each year to recover from the trauma of domestic abuse and find their way to a life free of violence. Our programs offer the promise of safety and anonymity and we pledge to protect and support all those seeking refuge from abuse the highest quality services.
We are trusted partners with local law enforcement, legal agencies, and other community resources, which allows us to continue the fight for the rights of those dealing with domestic violence and create a society where everyone can have relationships in a safe and healthy manner.
Our History
The BRIDGE was founded. The program consisted of a five-room shelter and one part-time staff member
Domestic Violence Court forms in St. Clair County.
VPC's Court advocates become integral to supporting survivors through the legal process.
Project Renee, a multidisciplinary approach to helping victims of domestic violence begins. Partnership includes the St. Clair County States Attorney's Office, Probation office, Sheriff's Department, and The Violence Prevention Center.
Shelter building generously donated by the Weidmann family.
IL Domestic Violence Act passes, allowing staff to assist with Orders of protection
Shelter shop opens to offer both financial support to the agency and assist clients with immediate tangible needs.
The Waterloo outreach office opened to serve the Monroe County Community.
Expanded to reach the underserved Spanish population through adding a full-time Spanish speaking advocate. This advocate works to address needs specific to the local Hispanic population.
The Prevention Program was formalized allowing the Center to provide training and awareness to clergy, police, health care professionals, schools, and other concerned citizens.
Police advocates are paired with 8 local police departments.
Rapid Rehousing program is first offered. Providing
financial support while survivors receive intense case management and services to promote long-term stability and safety.
The Chester outreach office opened to serve the Randolph County Community
Passages to peace began. VPC was on of 4 domestic violence programs in IL to collaborate with a local substance abuse program to provide domestic violence education and counseling to victims with substance abuse issues.
The Peace Place, a counseling program for children ages 5-17 began.